On this page you can find links to other groups and further SMD pages.
Hint: SMD Chemnitz staff is not responsible for the contents of the linked pages.
Christian Campus Groups in Chemnitz
Beside SMD Chemnitz there exist three other Christian Campus groups in Chemnitz.
- ESG Chemnitz (Evangelical Student Church): Webseite, Facebook
- KSG Chemnitz (Catholic Student Church): Webseite, Facebook
- CCEG (Chinese Christian Evangelical Church): Webseite
SMD in Germany
SMD is a German-wide organisation and has a lot of university groups in other cities, too.
- Homepage of SMD in Germany
- List of all SMD campus groups in Germany
- Institute for Faith and Science (belongs to SMD)
SMD worldwide
In addition there exists a coperation with Christian student groups worldwide through the IFES organisation:
- Homepage of IFES (englisch)